Thank you for registering

You have completed the first step in registering for access.


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Lifestyle Highlights

Use your Community page to showcase the features and amenities found in your community and even highlight local hot-spots for dining, shopping and attractions.

  • Customize with your community colors and photos.

What's Next

Thank you for applying for membership to the RGB Community demo site.

Please note that this demonstration website will not allow the activation of new accounts.

Please use the following login information to access the password-protected areas of this website:

Password: rgbguest

Thank you, RGB Team

Registration Options for Community

For active community websites once the Resident has registered an email will automatically be sent to the Resident who completed the form and the community Administration.

Resident Email – The email will notify the resident that the registration to access is pending the community manager’s approval.

Manager Email – When a new Resident submits a registration a notification will be sent to the manager’s email address with the pending request. The manager will then approve the Resident’s access.

Access Granted Email – Once the manager approves the Resident’s access an auto notification will be sent to the Resident informing them that they will now be able to log in and view the private areas of the website.